Welcome to Lyra 23, a one-of-a-kind, revolutionary hookah lounge in Pezinok, Slovakia, where we are redefining the social experience. Step into a world where tradition merges with the healing arts and light technologies from higher planetary systems, elevating relaxation to an entirely new level. Our lounge harmoniously blends modern design with an ambiance of sophistication, while creating a high-vibrational space where you can unwind, connect, recharge, and elevate your entire being.

.At Lyra 23, we don’t just offer hookah—we craft unforgettable, uplifting, and transformational experiences.

The essence of our lounge lies in its creation of a truly unique and extraordinary sanctuary that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit—a first of its kind in the country. More than just a place, lyra 23 is designed to evoke a deep sense of HOME, where everyone can relax, find inspiration, and attune to the higher realms of light, while feeling recharged, harmonized, elevated, and empowered.

"Rise with the Heart of a Lion: Fearless, Strong, corageous."

more coming soon…

story behind lyra 23